Find your center, your balance and your confidence…

Your inner wisdom is your superpower.


What’s inner wisdom?


A Knowing

Information that hits you and you’re not sure where it came from. You just know. When you bypass this knowing, a lot of times you wish you would’ve taken it as truth.

A Feeling

A gut feeling about a situation. Information that feels wrong to you. It’s your body trying to lead you away from something that’s not in alignment. Also information that something feels right! Your body is trying to lead you towards things that are meant for you!


You see a map in your mind of how a problem or situation is going to play out. Or you literally see a map when someone is giving you directions. You’re able to see in your mind’s eye, while listening, while reading and sometimes you may have visions come to you when your eyes are closed.

Audible Hints

Do you hear songs in your mind or a voice guiding you from time to time? Auditory hints are ways that our higher self and spirit try to talk to us. Sometimes it even sounds like your own inner voice.


Holding space.

Make space for your inner wisdom to come through.

I will hold space for you while you learn how to do it for your magical self.

Join my free Crystal Sanctuary group & see my style is right for you.

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You’re magic and human.

Calm and ground your body to access the magical wisdom within.

Start a new relationship with yourself now.